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king kunzite 4.70ct

WEIGHT: 4.70 ct.
MEASURES : 9.52×7.79×6.47

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SKU: king kunzite 244-1207
Category: Kunzite
Tags: King kunzite, king kunzite gemstone, Kunzite, kunzite stone

Kunzite Stone

کنزائیٹ سٹون

Kunzite stone is used for stimulating your crown chakra and your heart chakra. This means it might give you high vibrations and spiritual atonement. It is often associated with love because wearing kunzite jewelry has the potential to enable you to feel selfless love, selfless love for who you are and for those around you.

It is best if you do not wear your Kunzite every day. This is because prolonged exposure to sunlight or hot light sources causes the color to fade. It even fades more if the Kunzite is treated. (Almost all Kunzite stones are treated).

Kunzite is a protective stone, dispelling negativity, and raising a shield around the aura against unwanted entities and outside influences. It provides a centering influence in all situations, allowing one to remain calm and focused, even in the midst of a crowd.

In the trade, kunzite is available in many beautiful cuts. It is one of the gems which are available in relatively large sizes at affordable prices. When making a purchase. However, you should remember that it is first the colour and then the clarity which determines its value. The more intense the colour, the more valuable the kunzite. The question of whether the colour should tend more or less strongly towards violet will depend on your personal preference and skin type.

This gemstone with its fine, delicate pink is not only an ideal precious stone for lovers; it is also popular as a healing stone. Kunzite is said to enhance a person’s capacity for devotion and understanding and to bestow inner peace and joie de vivre on its wearer. And since it is also said to activate the mind and liberate us from worry and anxiety,

Kunzite Stone

کنزائیٹ سٹون

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