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Sang-e-Yashab 6.80ct

WEIGHT: 6.80ct.

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SKU: Sang-e-Yashab 240-101
Category: Sang-e-Yashab
Tags: sang e yashab, sang e yashab gemstone, sang e yashab stone

Sange Yashab Stone, Green Sange Yashab Stone

سنگ یشب سٹون، سبز سنگ یشب سٹون

Sange yashab stone can help to:
  • Ground you and provide stability.
  • helps alleviate stress and induce tranquility.
  • provide comfort and security, strength, and healing.
  • eliminate negative energy.
  • balance the aura to a level of wholeness and peace.
  • aid in banishing nightmares or harmful thoughts.

Sange yashab stone is found in natural groups of stones. Because, there are many varieties of Jasper in’s art, golden sun, night sky, poppy fields or deep green forest, desert sands, rippling ocean, red rock canyons.

Each stone is the masterpiece of the Creator; bold and primitive, solid and earthy in its base, primitive is a warm, harmonious so energy that echoes to itself.

Jasper stone is a ground and stability stone that provides comfort, security, power, and recovery. Because, it balances the aura with the level of integrity and peace and acts as a reminder for the person to bring joy and joy to others, not on the physical plane.

Jasper is a variety of Chalcedony. It is usually brown in color but can also be found in shades of grey, blue, white, purple, pink, red, orange, and yellow.

The name Jasper means spotted or speckled stone and is derived from the Latin ‘iaspidem’, or the Old French ‘jaspre’.

Because, the speckles are caused by the inclusion of mineral, ash, or sediment within the structure of the crystal.

Jasper is found all over the world but most specimens come from India or Australia.

When we speak of the “meaning” of a stone, we usually refer to the esoteric qualities that the stone embodies.

These qualities are usually so recognized as being part of the crystal’s effects on the human mind and/or body and have come into being after thousands of years’ worth of observation by people in all sorts of different situations or cultures.


Sange Yashab Stone, Green jasper Stone

سنگ یشب سٹون، گرین جیسپر سٹون


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