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  5. African blue sapphire 5.35ct

African blue sapphire 5.35ct

WEIGHT: 5.35 ct.
MEASURES : 10.75×8.30×5.23

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SKU: blue sapphire NLM 101
Category: Sapphire
Tags: blue sapphire, blue sapphire gemstone, blue sapphire stone

Neelum stone, Blue Sapphire stone

نیلم سٹون، نیلا سفائر سٹون

Neelum stone improves meditation, helps in introspection, and self-realization. Therefore blue sapphire is a good companion in the spiritual journey of people. The Blue Sapphire/Neelam stone balances the Crown chakra thereby resulting in the balance of the cosmic energies.

1) Blue sapphire gemstone impacts can be felt instantaneously. Neelam stone ring can bless you with wealth, good luck, promotion and opportunities within just one day after wearing it.

2) It shows miraculous results especially in Saturn Transits like the Sade Sati, in case Blue Sapphire ring is suitable for an individual. One can feel the relief instantly by viewing a boost in metabolism, the energy within a day.

3) Neelam Stone ring can help in protection from enemies, evil eye, hexing, jealousy and you can feel the changes soon after wearing it.

4) Blue Sapphire Ring can bless you with mental clarity, clears confusion and correct decision-making abilities in less time.

5) Neelam Stone Ring can take away tiredness and helps improve focus and improves digestion of an individual.

6) Blue Sapphire has excellent healing abilities to soothe the senses and you can get serenity and self-control.

7) Neelam Stone Ring can remove negativity, unknown fears, and complexes of a wearer.

8) Blue Sapphire gives a positive boost in finances and wearer can bless with multiple sources of income.

9) Neelam Stone Ring can give names, fame and a formidable reputation in a short time.

Blue Sapphire is highly protective and will protect one from all enemies, evil eye, jealousy, etc.

·       If one has digestive issues or is looking for improvements in concentration and focus, then Neelam gemstone can help.

·       If one is looking for mental clarity and wants to clear confusion in life then the blue sapphire stone can be worn. It also assists in the right decision-making abilities.

Neelum stone, Blue Sapphire stone

نیلم سٹون، نیلا سفائر سٹون


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